Ultra Liquid Idea Markets
Some in our society believe we live in a free market. The truth is far from it.
Take ideas.
Ideas are trapped. They are trapped in our heads. They are trapped on paper. They are trapped within organizations.
If you’re lucky enough to have a great idea, you then face the incredibly difficult task of monetizing from this idea. You might need to patent your idea, and take the risky steps to take the idea to market. All of this requires an incredible amount of time and energy, which in turn limits how quick an innovator can innovate.
DAOs will rapidly accelerate innovation via idea markets. These markets will look something like this: 1) Innovators will be able to lock ideas up in a DAO (while maintaining some % ownership in the idea), 2) anyone will then be able to invest in these ideas. Effectively, ideas will be able to raise funds for themselves, and in the process, generate a pool of money available for teams wanting to take those ideas to market.
Dissociating the act of innovation from the risk of taking ideas to market will accelerate innovation within society, allowing innovators to flourish, and focus on what they are good at. Innovators from around the world will no longer be limited by their geography, ability to raise capital, or their ability to build a team.
The benefits to humanity will be great.